July 16, 2024

Supplies vs Inventory: How Do They Differ?

Discover the distinctions. Supplies vs inventory in warehouse management. Improve tracking, efficiency, and prevent costly disruptions.

As a warehouse or inventory manager, you face the daily challenge of balancing stock levels to prevent disruptions. A small mistake can lead to costly shortages or overstocked warehouses.

We understand these pressures and the importance of getting it right.

In this article, we'll provide you with clear insights on how supplies and inventory differ. By knowing the distinction between these two, you can streamline your warehouse process, improve tracking accuracy, and enhance overall efficiency.

Table of Contents

Supplies and Inventory Overview

an image of a warehouse in an open space

Before anything else, let's start with what the terms 'supplies' and 'inventory' mean. Understanding these terms first allows us to grasp their differences as we delve deeper into the topic.

What are Supplies

Supplies represent items that organizations use for their daily business operations. These supplies help employees perform their daily tasks or drive revenue. Often, these items have a finite life because of their use and ultimately represent a cost to businesses.

Key Characteristics

  • Used to support daily business operations.
  • Not part of the finished products sold to customers.
  • Have a finite life due to regular use.
  • Generally less expensive and easier to track than inventory.
  • Recorded as current assets and expensed upon use.


  • Office Supplies: Paper, pens, staplers, printer ink, etc.
  • Maintenance Supplies: Cleaning products, light bulbs, tools, etc.
  • Production Supplies: Items used in the production process that don't become part of the final product, like lubricants or cleaning solvents.
  • Medical Supplies: Bandages, gloves, syringes, etc., used in healthcare settings.

What is Inventory?

Inventory represents the items that a business sells to customers for a profit. It includes products that are either ready for sale or in various stages of production. Inventory can consist of finished goods, raw materials, and work-in-progress items. Proper inventory management is important for businesses to meet customer demand, minimize storage costs, and avoid stock obsolescence.


  • Raw Materials: Basic materials used in the production process, such as fabric, ingredients, wood, or electronic components.
  • Work-in-Progress (WIP): Items that are partially finished and are still in the production process.
  • Finished Goods: Products that are completed and ready for sale.
  • Merchandise: Goods purchased for resale without any further processing.


  • Raw Materials: Fabric for clothing manufacturers, ingredients for food production, etc.
  • Work-in-Progress: Partially assembled electronics, unfinished furniture pieces, etc.
  • Finished Goods: Completed clothing items ready for sale, packaged and labeled food products, etc.
  • Merchandise: Books in a bookstore, packaged toys in a toy store, etc.

Are Supplies and Inventory the Same?

an ecommerce owner thinking about something

No, supplies and inventory are not the same.

Supplies refer to items used in daily business operations, such as office stationery and cleaning materials, which are consumed and expensed as they are used. In contrast, inventory includes goods that a business holds for sale or production, such as raw materials, work-in-progress, and finished products, and is treated as an asset until sold or used in production.

The key differences lie in their purpose, usage, management, and accounting treatment, with supplies supporting operations and inventory driving revenue generation.

Let's continue this discussion in the next section.

What are Differences Between Supplies and Inventory

an ecommerce owner that's happy

Here are the key differences between the two:



The primary purpose of supplies is to support daily business operations. They are consumed or used up relatively quickly and need to be replenished regularly. Supplies are essential for the smooth functioning of a business but are not sold to customers.


Inventory is held for production or sales activities. It includes items that a business intends to sell or use to produce goods for sale. The purpose of inventory is to generate revenue and meet customer demand.



Supplies are typically low-value items that are used up quickly and are often disposable or consumable in nature. Examples include office stationery, cleaning supplies, and packaging materials.


Inventory can include both low-value and high-value items. It comprises goods or materials with a longer useful life that can be stored without losing value, such as raw materials, work-in-progress, and finished goods.



Supplies management involves frequent and immediate tracking to ensure adequate stock for operations. Businesses typically keep supplies in dedicated storage spaces like closets or cabinets and track usage to avoid running out.


Inventory management is more strategic, involving processes like forecasting demand, balancing stock levels to avoid excess or shortages, optimizing storage space, and minimizing holding costs. Inventory is usually stored in warehouses and managed using sophisticated inventory control systems.

Accounting Treatment


Supplies are expensed in the period they are consumed or used. They are recorded as a cost on the income statement when used.


Inventory is recorded as an asset on the balance sheet and only expensed as cost of goods sold (COGS) when sold or used in production. Various methods like FIFO (First-In, First-Out), LIFO (Last-In, First-Out), or weighted average cost are used for inventory valuation.



Supplies are usually valued at their cost or the lower of cost or market value.


Inventory is valued using methods such as FIFO, LIFO, or weighted average cost, which can impact financial statements and tax liabilities. Proper valuation ensures accurate reporting of assets and profitability.


By understanding these differences, businesses can effectively manage their resources, ensure operational efficiency, and maintain accurate financial records.

For warehouse managers looking to optimize their processes, Packiyo offers the perfect solutions.

Our Inventory IMS helps sync products across sales channels, ensuring accurate tracking. Automation Co-Pilot reduces manual errors by automating tasks, and the Lots & Expiration feature keeps perishable items in check. Additionally, the Replenishment service ensures supplies are always stocked, and Purchase Orders simplify procurement.

If you're looking for more information related to this topic, consider contacting us so we can assist you with your needs, or browse our blog for relevant content such as 'ergonomics in warehouse', 'pick list definition', and more.

We hope this article has helped clarify the difference between inventory and supplies, and we look forward to seeing you in our next article.


Got more questions about supplies and inventory? Maybe we’ve answered some of them below!

How can technology improve the management of supplies and inventory?

Technology helps manage supplies and inventory by automating tracking and forecasting. Tools like inventory management software, barcoding, and RFID provide real-time updates and reduce manual errors. This ensures optimal stock levels, cuts costs, and improves efficiency.

What are the consequences of incorrectly classifying supplies as inventory?

Misclassifying supplies as inventory can lead to financial inaccuracies and operational inefficiencies. It can distort financial reports, affect tax calculations, and cause stock mismanagement, leading to either shortages or excesses that disrupt operations.

What challenges do businesses face in managing supplies and inventory, and how can they address them?

Businesses face challenges like tracking errors and stock level mismanagement. Solutions include using automated systems for real-time tracking, regular audits, and accurate demand forecasting to maintain balanced and efficient stock levels.

Are inventory and supplies managed the same way?

No, inventory and supplies are managed differently. Inventory management focuses on optimizing stock for sales and production, while supplies management ensures enough resources for daily operations. Both require accurate tracking, but inventory management is typically more complex.

Why is it important to manage supplies and inventory effectively?

Effective management of supplies and inventory ensures smooth operations and customer satisfaction. Proper inventory management prevents stockouts and lost sales, while efficient supplies management ensures employees have the necessary resources, reducing costs and improving productivity.

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